To give the each race its own style, we always worked on the race first then the outfit but the quality sometimes had drastic differences. Aman females and Elins are the primary examples. They were both worked on at the end but their quality is completely different.
This will be added slowly and consistently. The players’ gear will always come first but as the updates go on, there will be more importance placed on cosmetic items. We are considering adding an undergarment slot for characters.
Will Lancers forever be the tank of choice for dungeons? Or will Warriors take their crown? Last January, with a flow of buffs to the Warrior class and constant nerfs to the Lancer class, the tides have turned. Lancers all over TERA are crying due to extreme nerfs, complaining that it is difficult to keep aggro. Warriors have begun to be called “Dust Bunnies” because of their squishy nature and the fact that they must hop around from side to side.
Let me tell you how Warrior tanking has changed recently. Before life leech was nerfed, we were able to form a party with PURE dps and could have an extremely DPS intensive group, because life leech alone was enough to keep the warrior alive with the combination of the evasion. Because of that after hitting max level I would 1/2 man dungeons to clear and hog all the loot. Due to the insanely amazing stats on the items all Warrior items were up to 4 times as expensive compared to other class items.