
Tera online gold- Once we complete our crash course in crafting

Anyone remember Issue 13 of the Velika Guardian?Tera Gold Cheap It was our first "Friday the 13th" issue back in August of last year. As mentioned back then, there is at least one and as many as three Fridays that occur on the thirteenth day of the month each year. Knock on wood for good luck, and read on to get up-to-date on the latest TERA news!

Once we complete our crash course in crafting, we make our way to the headquarters of the Valkyon Federation itself—an imposing if bureaucratic-looking building on the northern-most of the two southern "legs" of Velika. We're quickly ushered in to speak with Sier, who directs us to Samael, who accepts our draft orders and directs us to head out almost immediately to a village called Lumbertown to help with trouble in the nearby Fey Forest. Samael also takes the opportunity to smack-talk us about our exploits on the Island of Dawn. Seems he's not the easily-impressed type. That's OK: we've dated girls like that before. They eventually come around.

No one's more eager than our team to get authentic voices in the game. The cutscenes are spellbinding, but I think the biggest advance is finally hearing the greets and goodbyes from each NPC. A typical NPC has a half-dozen ways it might say hello, another half-dozen goodbyes, and a couple different ways of introducing a quest and congratulating a player for completing it. And not all castanic females sound alike—each race/gender/age combo has multiple voices.

Welcome to the second May installment of our continuing series,Tera Online Gold TERA Tuesday. MMORPG.com has partnered with TERA devs and En Masse to bring you the best TERA screens on the Net. This week, we feature three action-packed screenshots that show off melee attacks, fiery spells and combat effects. Check them out in our May TERA Screens #2 feature.

Related articles:  http://safemaplestorymesos.blogdetik.com/2011/09/02/tera-money-%E3%80%80we-continue-west-from-woodcutters-camp/

