
Elf male protagonist is our friend Tera Gold

Today in Korea, TERA's developer, Bluehole Studios Buy RS Gold and TERA's publisher NHN, held a press conference announcing lots of new information. From google translations, it's clear that the team focused on announcing additions and improvements to the game since the third Korean closed beta that took place this past March.

While we wait for our awesome translator Kalsteine to get the most relevant articles translated, I'm going to be posting all the new screenshots I can find from the various articles floating around Korean gaming news outlets. Check back for updates and additions!

TERA Fans translator Kalsteine has given me a brief rundown of some of the Korean dialogue in the trailer!The trailer is a visual representation of the game's political system. The story begins with the newly elected Exarch of Velika riding through the city streets on his special mount. The people are all excited to see him, however, it seems his intentions are actually sinister as we see him cackling evily and proclaiming that he will "Become a God."

The High Elf male protagonist is our friend Tera Gold (I guess he's a High Elf now!) and throughout his travels he's being warned of the Exarch's ill intent; first by a Castanic friend and then by a goddess who implores him for his help. Elleon and his three friends band together to fight off the evil Exarch and they are seemingly victorious! ... Until we hear a giant monster in the distance.

Related articles:   http://www.flixya.com/blog/3798866/you-will-be-given-a-quest-to-hunt-Tera-Gold-a-difficult-monsters

