Before getting into things, I wanted Tera Itemsto throw a quick observation of the GDC Awards Ceremony Online. The name of each RIFT time was announced as a candidate, that there was "polite" applause, but was not called awakening or animated. I should add, however, that the same occurred when other traditional MMO titles were announced as World of Warcraft and EverQuest. In fact, the only time I heard a loud applause was for Wizard101, but rumor had it that his team attended mass, so that things could be biased.
What did the industry in the joy of assistance? Two games in particular caught my attention: Shadow Cities and Minecraft. It is difficult to draw conclusions, but it is possible that the industry is as anxious as the planners to see that beyond the titles and take risks.
Three panels at GDC drew for rs onlineme: Georg Zoeller in SWTOR, Ubisoft Blue Byte Head of Production, Christopher Schmitz, and head of the live operation, Benedikt Grindel, how the settlers were free to play online, and Scott Hartsman in RIFT. While the three were about different games and each covers a different theme, all stressed the importance of ensuring that the technology is robust enough to support the creative ideas and the game's features.
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