As it has done in his most vigorous and partisan appearance outside the beltway, Obama tried to highlight what he believed to be recalcitrant Republican and the role of the Republican Party in the slow economic recovery. He emphasized the support elements of the proposal received from both parties in the past. But the president also issued an explicit warning that the Republicans would have no vote in a political issue in the new campaign for 2012.
"It's fair to say that I'm out of my way in every case - sometimes to my own political peril and frustration of the Democrats - to work with Republicans to find common ground to move this country forward," said Obama. "Increasingly, what we have seen are the gambling games, a preference to try to score political points instead of actually doing something."
Despite Obama's populist appeals on the way for Congress to "approve this project," neither the Senate nor the Democrats took Republican-controlled House took a vote on President legislation.The promised that if Congress does not approve legislation as a package, it would present the items individually and demand an explanation of the Republican opposition to each.
The warning represents an aspect of Obama's message re emerging: that while he has worked to improve the economy, the Republican opposition has chosen a strategy centered on denying a second term rather than put the country to work.