
I whip Buy RS Gold around and yank his hood off

After 32 exciting excerpts, the Tera Gold sun has risen and set on Day 1 of Elleon's journal. This lore feature is published on Twitter in the form of individual tweets weaving a tale bit by bit each day. You can click here to read Lead Writer David Noonan's article on the origin of the feature and writing in bite-sized 140-character passages.

Heading to Velika for big meeting. Rumors like wildfire around campus. For once, they aren't about the war. First pegasus ride. Almost lost my lunch. But the colors...must see them to believe. Exhilarating, amazing ride. Welcome to Velika! Next stop: Collegium Arcane. Taking the long way--I think I'm being followed. Guy in a dark cloak. Maybe just nerves. He's gone now.

Mystery guy is gone. I'm relieved (obviously) but frustrated--I wish I'd gotten a better look at him. Who shadows me? Angry historians? Mystery guy is now ahead of me somehow--but how? Either I'm going crazy, or... In any case, this ends now. I'm going to confront him.

I walk past him, he ignores me, then I whip Buy RS Gold around and yank his hood off...and it's Kubel! But this isn't a prank; my brother isn't smiling. I grin from ear to ear, though. Anytime your brother comes back from the Argon front--alive!--it's a joyful day. "But why the hood, Kubel?""My return from the war is...controversial," Kubel says. "No time for controversy. We have a meeting to attend." Wait..."we" have a meeting?

Related articles:    http://cheapmaplestorymesos.blog.com/2011/09/22/singular-weapons-and-cheap-eden-gold-even-more-exceptional/   


Castanica skulks between the darkness Tera Money

Present-day Castanica is known as a Tera Online Gold city where nearly anything goes. The Federation is an integral part of the city and its government, yet remains apart in many matters. Castanics govern themselves while other races use Federation emissaries and officials to conduct business in Castanica. The rule of thumb for visiting traders is, “Make a deal with castanics and lose to castanics. Make a deal with the Federation and they lose to the castanics.” The shrewd traders are well-regarded in all other respects.

With the artisans employed elsewhere, new businesses thrive in Castanica. There are virtually no priests in the city, so mystics do brisk business offering healing services. Castanic information brokers and intelligence networks flourish in these dangerous times and are highly sought after.

The Valkyon Federation makes great use of their cunning allies: castanics run nearly half of the Federation’s intelligence operations and make up fully a third of the ranks of Vanguard scouts. This agile race also produces skilled archers and warriors as well as some of the finest weapon masters.

Castanica skulks between the darkness Tera Money and the light. Untold opportunities await those bold enough to strike out and seize their destinies. Some castanics seek power and glory--for themselves or for the clan as a whole. They ally themselves with anyone convenient . . . or anyone they can use. For those with strength, cunning, and luck, Castanica remains a city of tremendous opportunity, particularly for black market goods and services. Federation merchants sell their goods in Castanica and buy contraband legally from the fiery-skinned traders.

Related articles:  http://bloguay.com/safemaplestorymesos/2011/09/16/berserkers-are-alsowow-gold-known-for-their-battle-cries/


To give the each race its own style

  To give the each race its own style, we always worked on the race first then the outfit but the quality sometimes had drastic differences. Aman females and Elins are the primary examples. They were both worked on at the end but their quality is completely different.

This will be added slowly and consistently. The players’ gear will always come first but as the updates go on, there will be more importance placed on cosmetic items. We are considering adding an undergarment slot for characters.

Will Lancers forever be the tank of choice for dungeons? Or will Warriors take their crown? Last January, with a flow of buffs to the Warrior class and constant nerfs to the Lancer class, the tides have turned. Lancers all over TERA are crying due to extreme nerfs, complaining that it is difficult to keep aggro. Warriors have begun to be called “Dust Bunnies” because of their squishy nature and the fact that they must hop around from side to side.

Let me tell you how Warrior tanking has changed recently. Before life leech was nerfed, we were able to form a party with PURE dps and could have an extremely DPS intensive group, because life leech alone was enough to keep the warrior alive with the combination of the evasion. Because of that after hitting max level I would 1/2 man dungeons to clear and hog all the loot. Due to the insanely amazing stats on the items all Warrior items were up to 4 times as expensive compared to other class items.


Elf male protagonist is our friend Tera Gold

Today in Korea, TERA's developer, Bluehole Studios Buy RS Gold and TERA's publisher NHN, held a press conference announcing lots of new information. From google translations, it's clear that the team focused on announcing additions and improvements to the game since the third Korean closed beta that took place this past March.

While we wait for our awesome translator Kalsteine to get the most relevant articles translated, I'm going to be posting all the new screenshots I can find from the various articles floating around Korean gaming news outlets. Check back for updates and additions!

TERA Fans translator Kalsteine has given me a brief rundown of some of the Korean dialogue in the trailer!The trailer is a visual representation of the game's political system. The story begins with the newly elected Exarch of Velika riding through the city streets on his special mount. The people are all excited to see him, however, it seems his intentions are actually sinister as we see him cackling evily and proclaiming that he will "Become a God."

The High Elf male protagonist is our friend Tera Gold (I guess he's a High Elf now!) and throughout his travels he's being warned of the Exarch's ill intent; first by a Castanic friend and then by a goddess who implores him for his help. Elleon and his three friends band together to fight off the evil Exarch and they are seemingly victorious! ... Until we hear a giant monster in the distance.

Related articles:   http://www.flixya.com/blog/3798866/you-will-be-given-a-quest-to-hunt-Tera-Gold-a-difficult-monsters


AnungUnRama hefts his axe up and brings it down

  AnungUnRama hefts his axe up and brings it down in a slash across the ghilliedhu's trunk, starting combat. The sentient tree is quick to react, but its devastating attacks are slow. While the aman dodges the creature's fists, I cast a constant barrage of energy attacks, lining up each shot so that they hit their target. The beast succumbs to its wounds and we are victorious against our first foe! Not missing a beat, we collect the gold and crafting materials it drops and run over to the nearest ghilliedhu standing and bring war to it and its kind.

The ghilliedhus are stunningly easy to kill, but then again I've been playing TERA for a year now. What they're actually doing is teaching you how the game works in very slow motion—they lumber around (see what I did there?) and do everything that later mobs do, just at a quarter of the speed, giving you plenty of time to learn how to respond and move.

TERA's combat system feels kind of like a fighting game—you get into a groove and start performing combos as you learn what skills take how long to charge, recharge, and work best against your various enemies. The ghilliedhus are kind of like practice dummies that occasionally hit back. You'd have to be pretty slow to get hit (and, full transparency, I do get hit a few times), but fighting them gives you a great introduction to how your character is going to work.


Tera Gold each with a group of dwarf orcans at its command

The field is patrolled by numerous mace-wielding orcan raiders,Tera Gold each with a group of dwarf orcans at its command. We decide there is only one way: through. The orcan raiders have a party buff that they cast to increase the damage of their underlings at the start of battle. However, the combination of berserker and priest skills mows through the field of orcans and leaves a trail of loot in our wake.

Join Community Director Jason Mical and Senior Producer Brian Knox in the second official TERA podcast! Hear them ruminate on their past as Atari gamers and on En Masse's future with Atari as a retail distribution partner, get the low-down from Brian on the upcoming Community Play Event, and listen as Jason attempts yet another (poor) Sean Connery impersonation.

Stellar reviews have been pouringWOW Gold in since the last time I sat down for a visit with Jason Mical over a year ago, the Community Director for En Masse Entertainment, the makers of TERA, so naturally, we had a lot to catch up on! And the timing couldn't be more perfect as this weekend TERA gears up for its Community Play Event!

Related articles: http://riftgold.centerblog.net/79-tera-online-gold-the-story-was-tough-to-follow


After reaching the max level cap

  Hello, TERA Fans! Last night I got word that foregin gaming news site Steparu had published a very extensive and detailed review of Korean TERA. The review is filled with lots of information about all aspects of gameplay, from the crafting system to end-game content and really fantastic videos! Amazingly, the reviewer gave TERA an overall 9.5/10! That's really exciting and impressive!

After reaching the max level cap, which is currently 50, early last week and spending most of my time indulging myself in end game content, the Tera Online Review is finally here. Many of you readers are probably wondering if Tera Online is worth your money. I hope to share some of my experiences with you, so be ready for an hour's worth of content reading and gameplay videos. Be one of the first to read about Tera Online!

Tera Online is a very user-friendly game. For instance, targeting monsters may look complicated but in fact it's really easy to pick up, especially for players who have only played point and click MMORPG's. It's pretty easy to level up and you will most likely never run out of quests. Tera Online can get very addicting due to it's new direction of combat and non-targeting system.

The storyline missions can prove to be challenging on occasion but at the same time it isn't so hard to finish like the end game dungeon. Most of the monsters and areas that you will come across have their own unique feel. Having played a lot of titles, I've yet to stumble across similar monsters or areas in other games.


Tera Online Gold couldn't they have at least used the same colours

After the tour, COO Patrick Wyatt sat us down to revealTera Items their secret weapon in the fight against illegal RMT: the chronoscroll system. Alongside the event the team published a detailed description of this feature over on the official site, but here are the basics.

I personally found the changes remarkably subtle and in some cases I had trouble locating what was changed. I learned that nearly all of the Elin armors were updated in some way; all short skirts gained shorts underneath, some panties were changed to shorts, some skirts were made slightly longer, and most stomachs were covered. I feel that they are tasteful and preserve the spirit of the original armors. I'm so excited I was able to take pictures and share them with you all, so please, let me know what you think!

The second Elin cloth has an undershirt and shorts,Tera Online Gold couldn't they have at least used the same colours or design as the robe she is wearing? And I still don't see the issue with showing a tiny bit of "tummy" (there are ways to avoid more skin and still making it look tasteful). Oh and the last one (leather/plate newbie armor?) was "vandalized" in my opinion.

Related articles:   http://wowgold4you.bloggproffs.se/2011/09/05/buy-rs-gold-i-find-it-awesome-that-high-elves/


his goes for some of the other armors as well

  Take the original of picture number 2. The undergarments were a pink and gold frilly piece. The shape and colour added visual appeal, and complimented the rest of the armor. The edited version however, is now a bland pale purple short short. I like the shorts, hate the blandness and colour that they have. I feel that the originals should have just been changes to shorts, thus keeping the visual appeal and would continue to compliment the armor. It would have kept the colour, and shape that they have.

This goes for some of the other armors as well. Take the last picture for example. The unedited version was basically a gold plate undergarment. The new version is pale shorts. I like the shorts better, however, i feel they could have added more, like gold colour somewhere to continue the flow and visual interest of the armor. I think it needs some sort of gold belt of some sort to make it more visually interesting.

I also dont like the mid drift cover up job they did. It makes the armor boring and bland. I think if the belly really needs to be covered for whatever reason, they could do something more visually appealing.


Tera money- Currently the 2nd election has finished

The manufacturer told us that this was a known issue, and provided us Tera Online Gold with a method of repairing it. We then backed up all the data again, and proceeded to apply the firmware patch.After the patch, we were able to restore the drives, and start booting up the critical systems, followed by the non-critical systems.

Between 6:27-11:50 in the recording, producers Stefan Ramirez and Sam Kim discuss the press demo, alluding to the features it'll include. Apparently, the focus this time is on some aspects of the political system including how players will gain and retain power. They also mentioned that, hardware permitting, there would possibly be a live stream of the event for fans to watch around the world.

l keep updating regularly and hopefully we achieve our golden age.

Currently the 2nd election has finished, as we mentioned since the launch of the game political system is just getting started. The system itself will evolve on how the players enjoy the content. Right now we think the powers archons have are still weak, we want to gradually increase it so there won’t be much trouble.

arriving on the Island of Dawn for their first Tera Money assignments for the Valkyon Federation proves to be a challenging experience for fresh recruits Eris, Harmonia's amani archer, and Grimace, MoonDust's baraka berserker.

Related articles:    http://bloguay.com/safemaplestorymesos/2011/09/03/tera-money-picking-amulets-off-of-expedition-members-corpses/


Tera online gold- Once we complete our crash course in crafting

Anyone remember Issue 13 of the Velika Guardian?Tera Gold Cheap It was our first "Friday the 13th" issue back in August of last year. As mentioned back then, there is at least one and as many as three Fridays that occur on the thirteenth day of the month each year. Knock on wood for good luck, and read on to get up-to-date on the latest TERA news!

Once we complete our crash course in crafting, we make our way to the headquarters of the Valkyon Federation itself—an imposing if bureaucratic-looking building on the northern-most of the two southern "legs" of Velika. We're quickly ushered in to speak with Sier, who directs us to Samael, who accepts our draft orders and directs us to head out almost immediately to a village called Lumbertown to help with trouble in the nearby Fey Forest. Samael also takes the opportunity to smack-talk us about our exploits on the Island of Dawn. Seems he's not the easily-impressed type. That's OK: we've dated girls like that before. They eventually come around.

No one's more eager than our team to get authentic voices in the game. The cutscenes are spellbinding, but I think the biggest advance is finally hearing the greets and goodbyes from each NPC. A typical NPC has a half-dozen ways it might say hello, another half-dozen goodbyes, and a couple different ways of introducing a quest and congratulating a player for completing it. And not all castanic females sound alike—each race/gender/age combo has multiple voices.

Welcome to the second May installment of our continuing series,Tera Online Gold TERA Tuesday. MMORPG.com has partnered with TERA devs and En Masse to bring you the best TERA screens on the Net. This week, we feature three action-packed screenshots that show off melee attacks, fiery spells and combat effects. Check them out in our May TERA Screens #2 feature.

Related articles:  http://safemaplestorymesos.blogdetik.com/2011/09/02/tera-money-%E3%80%80we-continue-west-from-woodcutters-camp/


Tera money- To ask Brian a question during the community

Although there are a growing number of developers expirimenting with F2P games these days,Tera Online Gold I think the different revenue models will continue to co-exist, as they have for many years. The F2P concept isn't really a world apart from the free demos and free trials of old; it allows you to play a portion of the game to find out if you want to spend money on it. A lot depends on just how much people expect to get before opening their wallets, and what kind of value they get after opening their wallets.

Free to Play(F2P) games is and always will be grindy, no matter how you slice it. They all have some type of item mall. So they are technically not F2P. P2P (pay to play) consumers call the F2P games Pay to Win. IE. Wallet Warriors. Weird thing is Most F2P games, eventually cost more then Pay to Play ones in a long run. I am a fan of Pay to Play games.

It is the "Fair" way of playing a game, unlike these Wallet Warriors out their. Prancing around in a game like their blank don't, stink because they choose to dump their paycheck or max credit cards out, just for an advanatage over other players. I wish a lot of the F2P MMORPG's out their, where P2P in the first place. Lets face it, there are some really nice 3d animation MMORPG's that are F2P, Per-Say.

Thanks in part to MMORPGs like EverQuest and World of Warcraft, gamers in North America and Europe have grown increasingly comfortable with monthly game subscriptions. Alternative revenue models have been around for a long time, but they're only beginning to catch on here the way they have in foreign markets. Turbine moved two of their titles to

Below we will post the full transcript of the community’s Tera Money chat with Brian Knox during E3 2011. The chat will take place on June 8, 2011, beginning at 4:30 pm Pacific time. To ask Brian a question during the community chat event, follow @TERAonline on Twitter, reply to Brian, and use the #TERA hashtag! We’ll answer as many questions as possible between 4:30–5:30! Last year Brian dropped lots of good nuggets of information, so be sure to tune in with your burning questions!

Related articles:  http://safemaplestorymesos.blogspot.com/2011/08/tera-online-gold-earth-eternals-big.html